☆PET MICROCHIP REGISTRY International Registration & Search
Petchipdata.info is an online, searchable database, with the sole purpose of reuniting lost pets with their keepers.
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Petchipdata.info is an online, searchable database,
with the sole purpose of reuniting lost pets with their keepers.
Petchipdata.infodisplays owner contact information for all brands of pet microchips including Home Again ®, AVID™ AKC CAR/EID™, Digital Angel®, ResQ®, ALLFLEX®, Schering Plough™, 24 PET WATCH™, Lifechip®, Banfield®, Crystal Tag™, Datamars™ & Destron Fearing™ once submitted.
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Petchipdata.infois not responsible for any persons misrepresenting ownership or submitting false information. Petchipdata.info accepts no responsibility during litigation over ownership of an animal.